About Sisters & Him

Welcome to Sisters & Him!

Let’s start with Sarah. Sarah’s our main photographer in the group. If you want a sweet memory recorded, she’s the gal to get it done. She often thinks of photography as capturing a moment that has only a split second to be observed.

 And then there’s Ellie; Ellie enjoys giving her compositions a strong visual difference between light and dark. If you’re one that admires vibrant and radiant art, you’ll love Ellie’s works.

But if you’re more into sketchy, rough concepts, Nicole is certainly going to make you smile. She doesn’t only dabble with graphite (color/gray scale pencils) but also in a wide range of dry and liquid mediums. 

Last but not least is Ryan. Being an artist himself, he is also talented in the field of photography and loves to explore new and old ways to create visual masterpieces.

But don’t just think Sister & Him is a place to find unique concepts in illustration and photography. There is also a wide range in tutorials, how-to's and things that make this website different than most artsy-fartsy websites.

You see, Sisters & Him’s purpose is to create a godlier outlook towards what is represented on canvas, and to give those who view it, a happy memory, a good feeling, and a brighter attitude towards the visual and non-visual aspects of life.

So take a second to view and read what us innovative artists create and write about, you just might be glad you did.